Wow, you articulated everything so beautifully! I personally have been seeking this truth for myself to say the least and among many other mini quests, this topic/theme sort of remained open. I had not been able to re-visit where I stand with this until this post. I am so glad you shared this! More than anything my take away was a sort of closure to feeling a sense of "arrived" to where all my personal experiences, introspection, learning and so on has lead me. Truthfully, I am not sure had I read this at another time of my life would it have made sense or fully resonated. Maybe it would have, I can't say for sure. I am certain that I was meant to see this in my inbox in perfect timing. Thank you for helping me close a chapter in my life where I spent a good journey in coming to a really great understand of what you shared.

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Thank you for tuning in, Vanessa. It’s true that messages often come to us at the right time, when we are open and ready to receive them. I’m so happy you can arrive at a sense of closure with this 💜

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